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The manual process of building palletized freight in Distribution Centers has become increasingly more challenging with Business models shifting to E-Commerce solutions. The resultant increase in SKU variety and package dimensions has made producing a stowable finished product significantly more complicated and challenging, for even the most skilled of our employees. The absence of stowability materializes itself in an inferior experience for any parties connected to the supply chain. A scalable and sustainable Best Practices program is needed to counteract these variable, associated cost and quality issues.

Q&A's exclusive 5-Point Best Practices Training is an effective and scalable stowability program that it addresses the needs of time-sensitive, fast paced and variable rich operating environments.  Some of the immediate benefits of our program are a significant reduction in damages and transportation related expenses. however, the yielded results further extend deep into your supply chain lifecycle, exception management process and customer experience and result in a n organizational competitive advantage.

Effective Best Practices training that addresses the challenges of E-Commerce is an overdue and essential addition to any operation that touches the Transportation industry. The Q&A 5-Point Best Practices Freight Training is sustainable, scalable solution that addresses the challenges of the E-Commerce Industry; reducing cost, exceptions and improving services.  Our Team of Subject Matter Experts offer a unique, hands on approach through our 'Engagement Implementation Process' that delivers the solution directly to your frontline team and leads them to success. We look forward to working with your and your team soon.

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We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.

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